good Lahiri review

unaccustomed.jpgThe TBR stack is far too high to justify adding Jhumpa Lahiri’s new collection yet, so in the meantime I’m reading reviews of it! Came across this great one by Sarah Kerr via my review-a-day from Powell’s (if you’re not subscribed, I recommend it—see the link for subscription info—not all of the reviews are high caliber, but it’s worth it for the ones that are). The reviewer conveys a number of impressions I had upon reading Lahiri’s first collection but that I couldn’t quite articulate at the time.

Do let me know if you’ve read the book yet and what you think of it. I plan to get to it after I get my own manuscript off my desk!

12. May 2008 by Mindy
Categories: Resources, Your turn | 1 comment

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