Getting to know you

I’ve been tagged by fellow blogger Rachel to post my “four things” lists. Since a lot of you have been lurking for a few months and haven’t introduced yourselves yet, I post the following to investigate what else we have in common besides great books!

Four jobs I’ve had:
apple picker/polisher and cider press operator (yes, it was at my parents’ orchard, but since I got paid for it, it counts)
copyright permissions administrator at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
children’s book buyer
managing editor of a magazine

Four movies I could watch over and over:
Shanghai Noon
Princess Bride
The Red Violin
Ace Ventura (it pains me to admit this in print, but every time I come across it flipping channels I cannot pass it by)

Four books I could read over and over (not including the ones in my posted favorites list):
Are Women Human?, Dorothy Sayers
Father Brown Stories, G.K. Chesterton
Poems by Emily Dickinson
The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame

Four places I’ve lived:
Northwood, OH
Chicago, IL
Temperance, MI
Philadelphia, PA

Four TV shows I watch:
As Time Goes By (BBC)
Law & Order: SVU
The Daily Show with John Stewart

Four places I’ve been on vacation:
Englewood, FL
Old Lyme, CT
Boston, MA
Galena, IL

Four websites I visit daily:
I’m on the web so much for work that I really can’t answer this one!

Four favorite foods:
my mom’s Thanksgiving dressing
almond chicken from The Golden Jade, Oregon, OH
browned butter and balsamic ravioli
just about any kind of cheese

Four places I’d like to be now:
with my mom in the hospital, where she is recovering from surgery
the Louvre
someplace warm and sunny (it’s about 32 degrees in Philly at the moment)
sitting with Brandon at a reflecting pool on the National Mall in DC

27. January 2006 by Mindy
Categories: News | 3 comments

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