Currently Reading

SO busy lately—working, traveling (first to a conference and then to visit family), and remodeling the house, which, since spring has sprung, now also involves the perennial borders, courtyard, and vegetable garden!  But I am managing to keep at least one book going at a time.  On a road trip last week I enjoyed Kazuo Ishiguro’s latest: Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall; I picked this up from the library as part of my “deep reading” project (I’m still deep reading–reading everything by–Ishiguro, Shirley Hazzard, and Iris Murdoch).  I hope to review it here soon.  Also, in honor of Shakespeare’s birthday over the weekend, I’m working my way through James Shapiro’s A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare: 1599 (which has made me almost decide to add Shakespeare to the deep reading project–if I can find a really good annotated critical edition).  I’m still researching this possible book idea.  I just put two more fiction works on hold at the library, and I’m combing through various books on square foot gardening and building outdoor rooms.

So…what are you reading?  Do you tend to read more or less in the warmer months?

26. April 2010 by Mindy
Categories: Currently reading | 4 comments

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