Currently reading

After weeks of remodeling and painting, my muscles needed a break.  So even though I have lots of work to do on the house, I gratefully have spent evenings over the last week or so catching up on all the reading I set aside when we moved in.  Right before the move, I had re-read A Wrinkle in Time and resolved to read, for the first time, the remaining four titles in that series.  Having done so now, I think I’m still partial to the first one, but all are that fun and characteristically L’Engle combination of easy reading yet thought provoking.  I’m looking forward to introducing my oldest niece to these soon.

Also at the time of the move, I was about halfway through C. S. Lewis’ The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (I read a great review of it at a blog inspired by the book) and am back to that now. It was his last book and the one that perhaps captures him in his most natural habitat as a classics prof, and it’s one of those books I read with a full packet of post-it tabs for marking excellent points or quotes I want to remember.

Thanks to my sister, who’s a fellow Maisie Dobbs fan, I also got to catch up on that series with the latest, Among the Mad.  This is a consistently interesting series, I have to say.  I was excited to learn that a new one, The Mapping of Love and Death, is due out in April.

And now I finally have my TBR stack unpacked and organized again, so as soon as I finish Lewis, I’ll be reaching for one of these — which one, I haven’t yet decided.

What are you currently reading?

02. February 2010 by Mindy
Categories: Currently reading, Your turn | 4 comments

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