Social networking exclusively for book lovers

Ah, blogging. Just one more click, then I’m going to bed. OK, maybe just one more. But this one has an interesting link, and…next thing I know, I’ve discovered a new obsession!

It happened to me this week when I stumbled across a comment at BookGirl, directing me to Shelfari. I’m not big into social networking sites, but when I saw this one was just for book lovers–and it has all the cool cataloging tools of LibraryThing, only hipper looking!–I decided to give it a try. It was free and super easy to join, and in minutes I had started creating “my shelf” and identifying which titles are top 10, on my current reading list, or in my wish list. Already I have discovered more book discussion groups than I can possibly join, as well as other members who prize many of the same books as I do.

If you’re intrigued, stop over and view my profile. Invite me to be your friend and I’ll gladly visit your bookshelf!

27. July 2007 by Mindy
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