Gender and grace

With no real planning on my part, it looks as if this week has a gender theme. I have a new post up over at The Scroll (click here to read and comment on “God of Sarah, Rebekah, and Ruth”). Today I read John Stackhouse’s Finally Feminist in one sitting (legs are stiff, but the technique can’t be beat for following and critiquing an argument!); I’ll be reviewing it here shortly. And over the next few days I’ll be reading a new book that releases on Wednesday with the provocative title Saving Women from the Church: How Jesus Mends a Divide by Susan McLeod-Harrison. Of course I will tell you all about that one as well, so stay tuned.

If memory serves, the first serious book on the gender and calling discussion I ever read was Gender and Grace by Mary Stewart van Leuwen. Since then, I’ve read a number of books from various perspectives on the issue. And I’m curious: is this a topic you read up on, and if so, what books have been the most influential for you? No debating, please (that’s what the other blog is for), but I’m interested which books all of you have found helpful—that means lists, people! (And you know how much I love lists.)

17. February 2008 by Mindy
Categories: Currently reading, My writing, Your turn | 9 comments

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